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Mergers and Acquistions Trends for Solid Waste

Marketing M & A Trends for Solid Waste Management by ElizaBeth De Maagd Mergers and Acquisitions for solid waste management have fortunately been on the rise including several large acquisitions over the past few years including; Wheelabrator, Veolia, IWS, Choice and other large deals. That is a good indicator thatRead More …
Golden Eggs for Baby Boomers

From Baby Boomers to Millennials… Helping Your Business Lay that Golden Nest Egg by ElizaBeth De Maagd After I read an article in the New York Times about baby boomers selling their businesses for their retirement nest egg, I realized the critical importance of maximizing a retirement package throughRead More …
Enhance the Value of Your Company While You Stage Your Exit

Thinking of Selling Your Business? Below is a list of ways you can enhance the value of your company while you stage your exit. Clear up any loans made by the company to stockholders, and any loans made by stockholders to the company. At least make sure they are repaidRead More …